How to report on Policy completion




This article covers the following topics:


About Policy report

The Policy report functionality shows the list of employees that have signed currently the policy: this list can be both viewed and exported in XLSX.

From the policy overview page, you can see the progress bar with the number of employees that have signed the policy compared to the total number of recipients.



The progress bar and the reports are shown only for published policies that are included in campaigns.

To read more about how to add a policy to a campaign, please click here.


View policy report

  1. Select Policy Manager from the sidebar and click on Report (mceclip1.png) on the right-hand side of the policy you want to view the report for
  2. The policy report details page will show you the list of employees that have signed the policy:
    • Name and last name of the employee
    • Email address of the employee
    • Date the policy was signed by the aforementioned employee


Download policy report

  1. Select Policy Manager from the sidebar and click on Report (mceclip1.png) on the right-hand side of the policy you want to download the report for
  2. Click on Export to XLSX (mceclip3.png)
  3. By doing so, you will download a file that contains the following information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Status
    • Date
NB: The XLSX file will contain only the list of the employees that have signed the policy, not all of the recipients of the policy.



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