Product Update May 2022




This article covers the following topics: 

  1. Enhanced Filtering for Persons Table
  2. New Content on the GAN Academy Portal
  3. E-Book: Developing Third-Party Risk Management Capabilities for a World in Crisis


Featured Update

Enhanced Filtering for Persons Table

In an effort to further close the gap between Persons’ and Companies’ Due Diligence functionalities, we have added more filtering options to the Persons third party table making it easier to navigate your third party Persons population. The added Persons filters include; Users, Status, Locations, Categories, Risk Rating, and Days Questionnaire Pending.


Additional Releases

New Content on the GAN Academy Portal

New video tutorials on using your Investigations application are now available on GAN Academy! GAN Academy, accessible via your GAN support portal, is regularly updated to provide you with new video content covering the entire suite of applications for a quick and easy overview of using your compliance platform.

See the videos here.



Developing Third-Party Risk Management Capabilities for a World in Crisis




The Russia-Ukraine conflict has resulted in business-critical disruption and third parties challenging business operations like never before.

So how can businesses tame those third-party risks? Crucial to managing this will be better incident response capabilities, first to anticipate all the third-party risks that might arise, and then to have an effective response at the ready when those unpredictable events do strike. 

Check out our latest eBook that uncovers how you can develop crisis management processes that work.

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