This article covers the following topics:
- Reporting by employee attributes with GANalytics
- Reporting on Uncompleted Campaigns
- Hiding Third-Party Categories
Reporting by employee attributes with GANalytics
It is now possible to create reports based on an Employee view using the employee attributes available in your Employee Table. The new capabilities allow you to limit the data reported to specific groups of employees. For instance, you can create a report showing which employees have submitted gifts and drill down into the specific countries where these employees are located. You can also create reports specifying which employees have not submitted a conflict of interest, allowing you to have an overview of the employee population that did not engage with your conflict of interest declarations. This new GANalytics reporting ability is applicable to all GAN ICM-powered modules.
Reporting on Uncompleted Campaigns
With GANalytics, you can not only report on the list of employees who have completed policy and training campaigns using the Policy Deployment application, but you can now also pull reports on employees who have not engaged with campaigns within a given timeframe. You can decide which timeframe to apply to filters in order to pull the data that is most relevant to your search. This will allow you to maintain an overview of the employee population that needs an additional nudge to complete critical policy signing or important training. This functionality is available to all customers using GAN’s Policy Deployment application.
Hiding Third Party Categories
When creating third parties in the Due Diligence application, users can associate each third party with a particular category. These lists can, at times, get extensive making room for human error where a third party may accidentally be associated with the wrong category. Today, it is possible to adjust the list by hiding certain categories and only allowing the needed categories to appear in the dropdown on the third-party creation page. Hiding a category will not affect any third parties associated with it at the time it was hidden; all workflows associated with the hidden category will progress as normal.