This article covers the following topics:
- About editing an E-Learning
- Edit a draft E-Learning
- Edit a published E-Learning
- View an E-Learning's information
About editing an E-Learning
Both Draft () and Active () E-Learnings can be edited.
NB: |
Please be aware that if you change the content of an Active () E-Learning that is a task in a campaign, the employees that have already completed the previous version of the E-Learning will not see the latest update. Every time a change is made, a new language is added or removed (and the edits are saved), the version number counter will increase. For further information, please read the E-learning information topic here. |
Edit a draft E-Learning
- Select Training Manager then E-Learning from the sidebar
- Select the Draft () E-Learning that needs to be edited
- In the E-Learning details page, Basic section, you will be able to edit the following information:
- Title
- Internal notes
- Local Compliance Manager Permissions
- Set Minimum Course Viewing Time (Minutes)
Label Description Title The title given to this E-Learning will be visible for Managers in the E-Learning Dashboard Internal notes Internal notes can be used to add information. These will be visible only to the managers that have created the e-learning and to those the e-learning was shared with. Local Compliance Manager Permissions E-Learnings can be shared with other Local Compliance Managers, you will have to select their name from the drop-down menu.
By doing so, the selected Local Compliance Manager will be able to see and edit the E-Learning.
Set Minimum Course Viewing Time (Minutes) Managers can set a minimum viewing time, by doing so employees that are recipients of the training will be able to complete it only when this viewing time has elapsed.
- In the Upload or Link an E-learning Document section you will be able to edit the following information:
- E-learning title (for every, if any, language that has been added)
- Description (for every, if any, language that has been added)
The language and the content of the E-Learning(s) cannot be changed, you can however delete a language copy.
To know more about how to remove a language copy from a draft E-Learning, please read here.
- You can also add a new language copy, if available. To read more about how to add a new language copy, please read here.
- Once the editing has been completed, click on SAVE PROGRESS.
Edit a published E-Learning
- Select Training Manager then E-Learning from the sidebar
- Select the Active () E-Learning that needs to be edited
- In the E-Learning details page, Basic section, you will be able to edit the following information:
- Title
- Internal notes
- Local Compliance Manager Permissions
- Set Minimum Course Viewing Time (Minutes)
Label Description Title The title given to this E-Learning will be visible for Managers in the E-Learning Dashboard Internal notes Internal notes can be used to add information. These will be visible only to the managers that have created the e-learning and to those the e-learning was shared with. Local Compliance Manager Permissions E-Learnings can be shared with other Local Compliance Managers, you will have to select their name from the drop-down menu.
By doing so, the selected Local Compliance Manager will be able to see and edit the E-Learning.
Set Minimum Course Viewing Time (Minutes) Managers can set a minimum viewing time, by doing so employees that are recipients of the training will be able to complete it only when this viewing time has elapsed.
- In the Upload or Link an E-learning Document section you will be able to edit the following information:
- E-learning title (for every, if any, language that has been added)
- Description (for every, if any, language that has been added)
- You can also add a new language copy, if available. To read more about how to add a new language copy, please read here.
- Once the editing has been completed, click on UPDATE
- Click on YES to confirm.
View an E-Learning's information
- Select Training Manager then E-Learning from the sidebar
- Select the E-Learning that you are interested in
- On the E-Learning details page, you will see the Info box
- This box contains the following information:
- Owner
- Status
- Created
- Updated
- Version
Label Description Owner The owner row will show the email address of the person that created the E-Learning Status The status of the E-Learning can be either Draft () or Active () Created This field shows the creation date and the timestamp Updated This field shows the latest update date and timestamp Version Every time a change is made or a new language is added, the version number counter will increase.