How to add different languages to an E-Learning




This article covers the following topics:

About adding a language to an E-Learning

The language copy of an E-Learning can only be added in the same format as the first E-Learning.

This means that if the first E-Learning was added by uploading a file, when adding a language the only available option will be Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png).

Conversely, if the first E-Learning was added with a link, when adding a language the only available option will be Add a link (mceclip3.png). 

NB: Every time a change is made, a new language is added or removed, the version number counter will increase.


Add a new language to a draft E-Learning

  1. Select Training Manager then E-Learning from the sidebar
  2. Click on a Draft (mceclip0.png) E-Learning
  3. Depending on the available option, click on Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png) or Add a link (mceclip3.png).
    • If the only available option is Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png)
      • Click on Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png)
      • Then select the file to upload from your computer
      • A new language section will appear next to the existing one and you be asked to fill out the following information:
        • Language
        • E-learning title
        • Description
          Label   Description

          You will have to select the new language for this e-learning from the drop-down menu.

          Read more about the available languages here.

          E-Learning Title   This title will be visible to users that have selected the chosen language for their portal.
          Description   A description of the e-learning can be added in this section and will be visible only for employees that have chosen this language for their portal
    • If the only available option is Add a link (mceclip3.png)
      • Click on Add a link (mceclip3.png)
      • A new language section will appear next to the existing one and you be asked to fill out the following information:
        • Language
        • E-learning title
        • Description
        • Link
          Label   Description

          You will have to select the new language for this e-learning from the drop-down menu.

          Read more about the available languages here.

          E-Learning Title   This title will be visible to users that have selected the chosen language for their portal.
          Description   A description of the e-learning can be added in this section and will be visible only for employees that have chosen this language for their portal
          Link   The e-learning web address will have to be pasted in this field


          Please be aware that if the link you are adding is a SCORM training, you will have to check (mceclip4.png) the This is a SCORM training box above the Link field. 

          If you want to know more about SCORM trainings, please read here.

  4. Click on SAVE PROGRESS on the top right of the page


Add a new language to a published E-Learning

  1. Select Training Manager then E-Learning from the sidebar
  2. Click on a Active (mceclip1.png) E-Learning
  3. Depending on the available option, click on Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png) or Add a link (mceclip3.png).
    • If the only available option is Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png)
      • Click on Add a file in PDF or PPT format (mceclip2.png)
      • Then select the file to upload from your computer
      • A new language section will appear next to the existing one and you be asked to fill out the following information:
        • Language
        • E-learning title
        • Description
          Label   Description

          You will have to select the new language for this e-learning from the drop-down menu.

          Read more about the available languages here (LINK).

          E-Learning Title   This title will be visible to users that have selected the above language for their portal.
          Description   A description of the e-learning can be added in this section and will be visible only for employees that have chosen this language for their portal
    • If the only available option is Add a link (mceclip3.png)
      • Click on Add a link (mceclip3.png)
      • A new language section will appear next to the existing one and you be asked to fill out the following information:
        • Language
        • E-learning title
        • Description
        • Link
          Label   Description

          You will have to select the new language for this e-learning from the drop-down menu.

          Read more about the available languages here.

          E-Learning Title   This title will be visible to users that have selected the above language for their portal.
          Description   A description of the e-learning can be added in this section and will be visible only for employees that have chosen this language for their portal
          Link   The e-learning web address will have to be pasted in this field


          Please be aware that if the link you are adding is a SCORM training, you will have to check (mceclip4.png) the This is a SCORM training box above the Link field. 

          If you want to know more about SCORM trainings, please read here.

  4. Click on UPDATE on the top right of the page and click on YES to confirm


View an E-Learning's information

  1. Select Training Manager then E-Learning from the sidebar
  2. Select the E-Learning you are interested in
  3. On the E-Learning details page, you will see the Info box
  4. This box contains the following information:
    • Owner
    • Status
    • Created
    • Updated
    • Version
      Label   Description
      Owner   The owner row will show the email address of the person that created the E-Learning
      Status   The status of the E-Learning can be either Draft (mceclip0.png) or Active (mceclip1.png)
      Created   This field shows the creation date and timestamp
      Updated   This field shows the latest update date and timestamp
      Version   Every time a change is made or a new language is added, the version number counter will increase.
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